We exist because God is desperately in love with humanity and is actively drawing us to himself. Through His church God is transforming lives and bringing hope out of desperation, bringing freedom out of bondage, bringing life out of death, so our mission at this church is to be a light to all people of every race, and every nation.
Our vision is to reach Fillmore with the Gospel of Jesus Christ our King so that God through His Church can transform this city into the Kingdom of God.
Since we are Saved by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we believe anyone can Know the Love of Christ. WE POINT OUR FAMILIES TO JESUS because of Our Father has led us to Salvation so we lead our children and families to Christ WE POINT OUR COMMUNITIES TO JESUS because Jesus uniquely pursues every community in the world through His (Ekklesia) His called out ones.
Remembering how we were without Jesus and knowing how we are now with Jesus creates a compassion in us to invite the spiritually disconnected into a family that understands what you are going through.
The Kingdom of God is able to transform every city on this earth into a place where people of every culture, nation, race and tongue can live together in harmony glorifying God in their own unique way.